Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Health Trek Day 53

Congratulations Anita! I know you are going to make it. Let's get together and celebrate after the holidays!
Just a short note tonight. I learned that my son will be coming home for Christmas and we'll be spending Christmas eve with him and then he will go up north to be with his sons. I am blessed by having a close relationship with all my children. My grandkids are all wonderful, healthy, smart, and I love them all dearly even if I don't see enough of them.
I want to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and New Year with your families and hope you are all as Blessed as I am.
Rock On!

Christmas Poem 2008

The Christmas Orange

When I was barely a person, not much more than three
I loved the smell of a fresh Christmas tree.
We would tramp through the snow to find the right one
Then squeal with delight knowing the Yule had begun!
We put up the tree on that bright holy eve
Leaving treats for Dear Santa so he'd know we believed
My most favorite part of the pre -Christmas rite
Was hanging our stockings by the hearth's mellow light.
The tree would be bare when we trudged up to bed
And tried to bring sleep to our excitement filled head
We didn't think we could sleep even a wink
But soon dawn would be here in almost a blink.
We would tumble down stairs and gasp with awed pleasure
As we saw a trimmed tree just brimming with treasure
There were strings of cranberries and gay popcorn balls
Sugar cookies on strings and gaily lit walls.
Our stockings were filled with nuts and sweet treats
And crayons and paper made our joy complete
I'd go through my stocking in awe of each candy
Looking for the gift that I thought was just dandy
Each year in that cold and icy winter night
I'd marvel that Santa could bring such a delight
A most savory fruit, a bright golden sphere
My Christmas Orange was the best gift each year!
I wonder now as I watch my Grandchildren play
With all their fine toys if they could ever be so gay
As to wait with delight on a cold winter morn
TO bite into and orange that Santa has borne
From a far away land, off a tropical tree
TO bring such a wonderful Christmas to me!

By Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2008

I have one more poem I wrote just for my husband that I'd like to share. I know you all will be able to identify with this one.

Your Christmas Gift
Starting in September, I begin to plan and dream
I picture how you'll gasp as I unveil my scheme
The glorious Christmas presents you'll find beneath the tree
Will fill your mind with wonder at the gifts to you from me
I want to fill your stockings with frankincense and myrrh
And gold beyond imagining that make your pulses stir
If I could buy a snowmobile, or a speedy motorboat
How it would impress you and make you want to gloat
But as Christmas Day approaches, reality sets in
And that gifts that I can purchase fill me with chagrin
As I wash and fold the laundry, I notice with a sigh
That your stockings are all full of holes, not that you can't deny
Your underwear is shabby, your t-shirts all a mess
and your jeans are getting worn out, all this you must confess
So when I start my shopping and begin to make my list
I want to buy you diamonds, but these I must resist
But remember this, my Darling, as you don your Christmas socks
What I really want to give you is expensive bonds and stocks.
I picture you out climbing up a mountain white with snow
and must console myself to know that what you're wearing down below,
What keeps you warm and toasty as down the hills you ski
Are all the undergarments you found beneath the tree
I betcha even Santa as he soars on his magic sleigh
Is wearing B.V.D.'s Mrs. Santa packed away
So enjoy each Christmas gift, be it t-shirt, sock or brief
And let each garment hug you like a lovely Christmas wreath!
As you unwrap each present, see a hug, a smile, a kiss
And know your daily comfort is my secret Christmas wish,
Love you forever,
Your devoted wife,
Christmas 1999

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Health Trek Day 52

I am taking a quick breather to pause and reflect in midst of sewing, cleaning and tomorrow cooking for the holidays. I feel like I am beginning to sound like a broken record talking about the true meaning of Christmas, the old traditions and all the preparation we go through. So today I am just going to share a really nice e-mail that I received from my sister in law last week.
The Bell
Just up the road from my home is a field with two horses in it.
From a distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner has chosen not to have him put down,but has made a good home for him. This alone is amazing. If nearby and listening, you will hear the sound of a bell. Looking around for the source of the sound, you will see that it comes from the smaller horse in the field. Attached to her bridle is a small bell. It lets her blind friend know where she is, so he can follow her. As you stand and watch these two friends, you'll see how she is always checking on him, and that he will listen for her bell and then slowly walk to where she is, trusting that she will not lead him astray. When she returns to the shelter of the barn each evening, she stops occasionally and looks back, making sure her friend isn't too far behind to hear the bell.
Like the owners of these two horses, God does not throw us away just because we are not perfect or because we have problems or challenges. He watches over us and end even brings others into our lives to help us when we are in need. Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those God places in our lives. Other times we are the guide horse, helping others to see...

This story reminded me of an incident that happened to a friend of mine. He is 85 years old and had parked in a handicap parking space so his frail wife could make it into the supermarket more easily. He had placed one of those cardboard handicap signs in the window of his car as all of us who use those do. He had gone back to the car to get his wife's sweater when a lady started yelling at him and accusing him of stealing a handicap space depriving someone who was really handicapped. He was so surprised he found himself speechless as this lady berated him up one side and down the other. He just shook his head and went back to his wife who was waiting in a wheelchair out of the cold, just inside the store. I think many people are too quick to judge just by what they see with their eyes. First of all this man himself is 85 years old, parking in an icy parking lot. Even if he was in the best of health, at his age falling on an icy pavement could be the death of him. Secondly, you can't tell by looking at someone if they may have COPD, severe arthritis, be recovering from surgery, have heart problems or dizzy spells. There are so many reasons why someone might have one of those cardboard handicapped signs, they are too numerous to mention. So for this lady to judge my friend without knowing the circumstances is unconscionable. Sometimes a family member may be driving an elderly person around too. So a good reminder for us all. Don't judge a situation until you have all the facts. There may be things we can not see. So be the bell and help even if it is just by being tolerant of others.
Rock On!

Christmas Poem 2007

Merry Christmas Memories

What magic do we know this day
That abounds year after year.
Is it mistletoe, or lights that glow
or wishes of good cheer?
The price one pays for a shiny toy
or the IPOD beneath the tree
will be but shadows in the mind
just a hazy memory.
Each cozy home creates it's own
Embellishes a tradition
that has passed down from parent to child
for many a generation.
We make our Noel feast unique
by surrounding ourselves with love
inviting friends and family
as we give thanks to the Lord above
The magic that abounds this day
is the memory that we share
as we pass on the Gift Christ gave to us
and spread love everywhere
Don't worry about the money
or if your gift is the perfect size
Just plan some beautiful moments
that forever your heart will prize
Christmas is making memories
That will make your spirit soar
So savor each precious moment
So they will last forevermore.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous, healthy New Year to all!

Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2007

Monday, December 21, 2009

Health Trek Day 51

Today is the first day of winter and we have already had two blizzards, weather below zero and been able to skate on the Pond. The ice rarely is thick enough to skate on this early in the season. A rare treat, but icy cold! I feel bad for the people anxious to see their families that are stuck in airports and train stations. But I guess you just make an adventure out of it and move forward. Think of all the interesting people you could meet. And a great excuse to sing Christmas carols. I miss the caroling we used to do as kids. We would stroll along the snowy sidewalks and pause and sing before our neighbors house. People often brought steaming mugs of hot chocolate to the singers and often joined in as we walked to the next house. Nowadays we'd probably get reported to the police for noise pollution or something. I think maybe this small neighborhood might enjoy the caroling, especially since most of us are seniors on this street, but my kids always look at me as if I was a lunatic if I suggest it and they have no idea what the words to all the old Carols are. I am going to have to start looking for some crazy old bats like me that would like to go out and make fools of themselves. I think I would like to let the temperature go up just a tad first though. Maybe we could write some fourth of July carols and go out singing then!
I hope you are all enjoying your last minute shopping and wrapping and baking and celebrating!
Rock On!

Christmas Poem 2006

The Unexpected Gift
Hope abounds in children's faces
As stockings adorn the chimney places
They wonder what St. Nick will bring
As Shepherds watch and Angels sing
The unexpected makes the season bright
As candles light up a snowy night
What wonder this year will unfold?
That warms the spirit despite the cold.
Perhaps a call from an old friend
Or a card some one will deign to send
Random acts of kindness reign
A break from loneliness and pain
Christmas promotes philanthropy
Makes us the best that we can be
We'll want to be a Tiny Tim
As we hum another Christmas hymn
Anticipation is the key
Not promises from Santa's knee
It's the action that is unforeseen
That brings the meaning to the red and green
As we seek the Shining Star
A journey traversed near and far
For a few special days each year
we follow the path that Christ made clear
If only we could hold this force
We might change the world's whole course
Bringing unexpected joy
to all God's children, girl or boy
What waits for us this Christmas Season
What is our goal, and what our reason
Will we become a Christmas light
And truly make the Season bright?

Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2006

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Health Trek Day 50

I have not been concentrating much on dieting lately. Just been working on Christmas projects and getting ready for the big day. I lost another pound this week without trying. I am beginning to think there may be something to this idea of letting go. We can get so wrapped up in a goal we want, we end up sabotaging ourselves and create obstacles to keep us from getting there. By just doing what needs to be done each day without agonizing about it, I seem to be having more success. I am trying to do the same things with my Christmas preparations. I make a list each day of what needs to be done and try to accomplish that much each day. I am not stressing about all the things I need to do. I know I will get it all done by Thursday so am trying to enjoy the process. Tomorrow I plan to do some baking and put together the gift bags for the neighbors. We all give each other baked goods or hand crafts and thoroughly enjoy sharing the recipes and our various talents. I love Christmas and the joy that fills the community!
Rock On!

Christmas Poem 2005

My Christmas Wish

If I should find just cause
to visit Dear old Santa Claus
I wouldn't mumble gibberish
I'd make a very crucial wish
I would make a wish for Time
And not just the usual kind
The time I need is many fold
And much more valuable than gold
I'd wish for lots of Time to give
For as long as I am allowed to live
I'd give my time to all my kin
This is where I would begin
I'd also like the time to take
And learn to listen for my Kids sake
I'd take the time to let them speak
Maybe help find answers that they seek
Spending time is always fun
It's gone before we've just begun
But I would spend it every day
To be with family while I may
So Santa if you see my letter
Help me make my life much better
By taking, making and giving time
To make our family life sublime!

Merry Christmas Every One!

Judy Patt Hall

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Health Trek Day 49

Only six more days before Christmas. We won't have to worry about a white Christmas this year. The ground is white and Santa's Elves must be scurrying about putting the finishing touches on all the toys to be ready for the big night. It's funny how kids react to Santa. Sometimes I think the whole myth is for the grownups. I have a 3 foot Santa that lights up and his arms move up and down. My grandson is terrified of him. When he hears that a big man in a red suit is going to come to his house on Christmas eve, he goes into a panic. So we told him the alternate story. How we can all be Santas and join in the spirit of giving. I think that is the tradition about Christmas that I like best. The giving part. Not just presents, but giving time to each other and our neighbors. Pausing from the hustle and bustle of life and taking stock of our blessings. Realizing that there are others a lot less fortunate than we are and taking time to help. Have you ever spent Christmas Eve in a soup kitchen, or had a sing-a-long in a nursing home or hospital ward. It is most rewarding and benefits the giver even more than the recipients. So teaching your children to be a Santa is a good thing. If we get caught up in that spirit at Christmas maybe it will flow throughout the year and someday this race of Man can truly find Peace on Earth.
God Bless us Everyone!

Christmas Poem 2004

Christmas Again

People celebrate holiday seasons
In many ways - for many reasons
Some scoff at all the platitudes
Adopting superior attitudes
When I decorate my tree
Each bauble contains a memory
I see each child across the years
Hear all the laughter and all the tears
Christmas brings us all together
Not hindered by distance, time or weather
Our family ties are bound much tighter
Our future each year looking brighter
Maybe miles separate the celebration
We're scattered all across the nation
But still our thoughts are intertwined
We're together in heart and mind
So give me all the platitudes
I'll accept them all with gratitude
For peace on earth, Good will to Men
We'll have a Merry Time again!

Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2004

Friday, December 18, 2009

Health Trek Day 48

Last night was our last TOPS meeting of the year and I lost another pound. I have been so busy getting ready for Christmas that I haven't had time or energy to go to the gym so I was sure I had gained. I have been too busy to eat I guess. I am trying to make healthy meals but often only get two in a day with a quick yogurt or salad for lunch. I guess the answer is to keep busy. After the holidays I will get back to the exercise program!
Just a short note tonight as I am really tired and am turning in early. I want to share these Christmas poems with you so I wanted to get this out tonight. The Christmas deadline is getting closer!
Rock On!

This Christmas was a special one for me because we were waiting for the birth of my youngest grandson, Ben. He is a delight and just turned six on Monday. Enjoy!

Christmas Poem 2003

The Christmas Babe

We have another wondrous reason
to celebrate this Christmas season
We're awaiting the arrival of a new little boy
A baby destined to fill us with joy
Another grandchild- this one makes eight
Gives us a reason to postulate
Our children bring hope in a world filled with strife
Bringing new meaning to eternal life
As I gaze at our clan expanding each year
I see our lives going on long after we're here
I can't help but think of the babe long ago
Who promised hope and peace to all that we know
Twenty centuries ago in a small obscure town
they awaited a baby to be known the world round
We all know the story, but often forget
The reason for Christmas is not just what we get
It's not the huge profits the season will bring
It's the celebration of Life that makes the bells ring
A promise that each tomorrow will come
So bring on the pudding and bring on the rum
We have but a blink of time on this earth
So precious the moments that bring us such mirth
When we all gather from far and from near
We'll honor the Baby who brought us all here.

Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2003

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Health Trek Day 47

December 18th: My mother turns 89. Really makes you realize how time flies. I still remember my childhood so vividly and the woman that seemed like such a giant to me. But seeing her now gives me hope. Although her body is aging and she is getting frail, she still makes wine, knits and crochets, paints and is the Matriarch. I will be her age in 26 years, which is time to see my grandkids grow up and time to write a few books, time to cherish all the Blessings that have been bestowed upon me. So I pray I will have the time she has had and use it wisely. And that I have 25 or 30 more Christmases to enjoy and savor. Time to make more memories that maybe my children and grandchildren will pass on.
One important lesson I learned from my Mom is that Christmas is not about the money and presents, it is about family and making the day special for children. I learned from her that home made gifts were the ones to be cherished as they are made from the heart. I thank her for that now, even though sometimes when I was a child, I was not so grateful and used to envy the other kids that got the shiny new bikes when I got one that was secondhand and painted by night when I was asleep with my mother's artistic touch.
So even though we have had our differences, I see now the wonderful lessons that she was teaching by her example. I hope I can pass on the spirit of Christ to my progeny and they will never be blinded by the tinsel, but moved by the spirit of love and giving.
Rock On everyone!

Christmas Poem 2002

Christmas Memories
I remember strong arms holding me tight
as I placed the bright star and we sang Silent Night.
Later I helped my thrilled little brother
Then each sibling continued to help one another
Too soon we all had our own family
And helped our small children trim the Yule tree
I remember candy cane kisses stuck to my cheek
And smiling, as children tried so hard to peek
Shaking each package in hopes of a clue
Dreaming of treasures shiny and new
Children so innocent laughed with delight
As we turned on each bright Christmas light
Now Grandchildren assist in our Yuletide endeavor
Creating new memories that will last forever
I remember the gingerbread houses we built
The squeals of laughter when it started to tilt
Children amazed as we made a pink rose
The unfettered delight when they frosted my nose
I remember each moment and treasure them all
Each paper ornament, each trinket, each ball
Each Christmas Season builds on the other
Bonding each family, each sister and brother
Stopping the sameness of every day life
Lightening the load and reducing the strife
I take time to remember on each holiday
Why I continue day after day
In spite of the news that we see on the Telly
It all goes away when we see Santa's belly
Then I remember what we all can give
Peace and Love for our family- It's the reason we live.

Judy Patt Hall
Christmas 2002